Chasing a Blaze in the Northern Sky Session 8 Summary

Having finally found something worthwhile the rotating casts of soon-to-be dead bodies decided they had enough of the terrors of Jotun's Tomb and would rather depart to a different dungeon. Wanting something familiar Matthias, Hurass, Sain, Halthor, Oogi, Thorvid, the newly added mystic retainer Randon, and a pair of hirelings that Halthor purchased only to quickly forget the names of, set out by boat back to the Burial Tomb of the Tridobkatrus. Returning to the Ziggurat the party was more powerful than they had been in a good while. A solid number of companions, strength through experience, and enough money to buy the necessities they would need for their travels.
Except rope.
Despite their lack of rope being the cause for multiple conflicts in the past, the party continued their tradition of not remembering to buy any despite their ample funds. As they passed by the desecrated corpses and disturbed sarcophagi they re-enter a familiar fog filled room and quickly found their combative companion Oogi floating away to the ceiling. Despite the efforts of three people, none were able to grab his legs as he began to frantically spasm, and with no rope, pulling him down became a non-option. After fading into the fog, Oogi's neck was gripped by a noose, and gravity began to return to his being so that he may be hanged. Thankfully, he was able to cut himself free, and after crashing back to the ground, they were able to escape.
On the bright side, at least they have rope now. A whole five feet.
Despite their being a descending stairway nearby, the party had decided it would be best to explore the first floor of the Ziggurat before descending deeper into its hold. This plan however was short lived as they were quick to find a threat they would turn away from in favor of descending. Their stopping point was a single, dark, room. Several corpses could barely be made out further in this room, and the party was certain there would be some kind of abomination of a being waiting to leap upon them if they entered. They've done this song and dance enough to recognize its motions, so Sain had grabbed a ration and tossed it into the room to see if something would respond. The ration is then swarmed by at least monstrosities crudely comparable to man, with swollen necks, slimy flesh and ghastly claws.
"We got this," says Matthias probably half drunk at the time, but surprisingly, the frail, unprotected hirelings that were bearing the light for the party were reluctant to enter the death room. Entering such a room without a source of light would be foolish, so the party descended instead. They did at least have a plan for if they entered the deeper floors. Randon had the ability to detect items within a radius based off of a specific word, and with their likely being more valuables in the deeper floors compared to the surface, Oogi had Randon use his summoning magic to produce a series of shadow wolves that would detect any "valuables" in their area. Actually traversing the area was going to be a different story however, as there seemed to be clear evidence that there were other explorers in this area that were petrified by some sort of creature. But money is money so they continued despite this threat.
Following whatever path they believed would lead to money, the party was able to uncover a sarcophagus containing a skeleton with a valuable ring upon its bony finger. It did not take well to being stolen from and began attacking Randon and Halthor, but was quickly subdued. They had then found another sarcophagus nearby, but the areas was littered with spider webs, and if there's one thing the band of men could be counted on, aside from forgetting rope, was burning any and everything they could find an excuse to set fire to. So, they decided to set fire to the webs and return after the location was nice and web-less. Continuing wherever they thought money may be, they had found a room with a series of doors. Three were locked, but three were also activated by a series of levers. The first lever revealed the corpse of a priest with a pewter chalice, a beautiful jasper necklace, and a prosthetic right hand of silver. The second lever revealed death in the form of a massive tentacle monster that eviscerated the hireling that freed it from its domain. But despite it nearly killing Halthor and Matthias, the party defeated the beast with no further casualties. The final door however, revealed the oddest discovery, with a silver orb that emitted a deep hum. Hurass touched it and after briefly seizing on the ground he claimed to have seen the face of a frog like entity he referred to as Lord Zaba, that had saw favor in him. Encouraging others to touch the orb Oogi and Thorvid partook in the experience as well, solidifying themselves into a cold with the intent of gaining great power in the not too distant future.
Running low on time the party returned to the room with the now burnt away webbing and after oppening the sarcophagus Hurass discovered a silver axe that he would later decide to keep rather than sell. With a solid haul, they returned to the surface, concluding their journey for the day.

Session 8 Downtime Events

Upon their return to Lestryhonia the storms continued, and then suddenly ceased turning to sunshine. The weather stayed hot and every puddle evaporated leaving the Giant's Drown a dry and desolate place. 

Matthias sought solace in drink and excess. In his drunken state he became friends with of a man who called himself Reid of Thain. A man prone to much laughter each arm covered in tattooed ink. Matthias awoke the next morning to a pair of young girls staring at him, each wearing a crown of flowers above their braided hair. They introduced themselves as Sibe and Ria the daughters of Koloksi the ruler of the Antrofahi Tribe. They thanked him for accepting Reid's request to escort them back to the island of Skyfa.

Halthor retreated back to the Temple of Vodim where he enacted ancient rite amid the Ymirist priests and exited with 3 doses of blessed water. Later on he was approached by a familiar face. A gaunt woman with a shaved head, black lips, clad in a lack leather garb, and a single vertical scar at her brow stared, a snake biting it's own tail hanging like a necklace. She asked for his assistance in exchange for passage to the depths of the Jotun's Tomb. He was to find 6 men who were able killers and deliver them to a location within Lestryhonia.

Sain sough to find information on Lord Zaba and his enemies but was unsuccessful. Likewise Thorvid sought to find information on Lord Zaba and as he was making acquaintances he was approached by a man with long ragged hair bound by a single leather band clad in furs. He offered Thorvid a gauntlet to which a succubus was bound in exchange for ensuring a meeting would not take place. A group of men, only identified by the silver rings they wear in their ears, seek to exchange treasure for an cursed artifact with a group of barbarians near the ruins of Ketil. 

Amid the outskirts of Lestryhonia, under the cover of night, Oogi and Hurass called forth Lord Zaba into this world. Six sheep were slain and their entrails arranged in sigils between candles arranged upon the severed head of horses. Oogi and Hurass rolled their eyes back as they chanted in a tongue unheard for hundreds of years. A great crack reverberate from their bones and the blood of the sacrifices began to boil. Oogi and Hurass gazed upwards and saw a second moon and within the red mist a dark shape moved. The mist parted and within stood a frog-like thing. Beneath a frog's head with two pupils in each eye was a chest with two pairs of arms, one crossed across the chest, the other holding orbs of sulfurous flame. Lord Zaba told them the price for his knowledge and for the sorcery he would offer them. 

In exchange for 75s of wine Zaba will trade lore of the Land, Ages Past, and Horrors. Furhter in exchange for 225s of weapons Zaba will trade the means of preparing either sorcery: [Drowning of an Enemy in Blood] or [Resonant Tone of the Mammon Gear]

They gained the following rumors:

1) A group of men attempted to enter deep into the Burial Tomb of the Tridobaktrus and all but one were slain by hordes of beasts wearing the skin of men.
2) Far to the east is a land where men can change their form to become wolves. 

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